The Department of Management and Economics of the Higher School was established in 2005.

The department trains qualified managers and specialists for the higher school of the Republic of Belarus.

The mission of the department is to provide high-quality educational services in the field of management of the higher education system, organizational management and economic theory.

Strategic goal: to reach the world level of training specialists in the field of higher school management.

The main tasks of the department:

active improvement and implementation of an automated educational process management system at the department, development and improvement of the institutional structure of distance learning (educational projects created and implemented by the type of VTK - temporary creative teams);
formation with the participation of social customers of integration models of specialties that combine the processes of learning and practical activities and ensure the strengthening of the practical orientation of higher education;
involvement of representatives of social customers in the organization of the educational process, including them in conducting active forms of training sessions: business meetings, experience exchange classes, round tables, thematic discussions, field classes, conferences;
improvement of distance learning technologies (electronic learning tools) and the creation of educational portals, the development of individual models of students' learning, the development of interactive learning technologies using project methods for developing skills of independent information analysis and self-education;
formation of the personnel potential of the department at the expense of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical workers, involvement of teachers from other institutions and organizations of the Republic of Belarus and from abroad;
updating educational materials every semester, attracting highly qualified scientific personnel for their preparation, as well as for the organization of extracurricular, independent, educational and auxiliary work.

The main activities of the department:

Implementation of modern requirements for the training of specialists in the conditions of functioning of the quality management system in higher education institutions in accordance with the priority socio-economic tasks of the Republic of Belarus;
Research of trends in the development of higher education in the conditions of socio - economic development of the Republic of Belarus;
Studying the problems and prospects of higher school development in the context of global economic globalization and internationalization of vocational education systems;
Improving the level of competencies and communication skills of personnel management specialists;
Organization of research work and development of regulatory and methodological recommendations;
Provision of additional educational services.
Professional development programs are organized not only on a budgetary, but also on an extra-budgetary basis, as well as at the request of higher education institutions (on the chosen topic). The training sessions are conducted at a high scientific and methodological level using multimedia tools. The department also organizes and conducts training seminars.

The curricula, educational and thematic plans of retraining and advanced training reflect the achievements of modern science, correspond to the priorities and realities of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the directions of state policy in the field of education.

Dear colleagues! The Department of Management and Economics of the school invites you to retraining and advanced training courses and is always glad to cooperate with educational institutions of the republic and other countries.

220001 Republic of Belarus

Minsk, Moskovskaya str., 15, room 626.

Telephone/Fax: 8 (017) 2228310