Belarusian universities will accept the winners of their intra-university Olympiads without exams. This was told to journalists by First Deputy Minister of Education Irina Starovoitova.

"University Olympiads are a form that allows gifted children to show their abilities. They can try themselves. The result of the university Olympiad for the winners is admission to a higher educational institution of the university that announces the Olympiad," Irina Starovoitova said.

She recalled that the winners of the republican Olympiads also have benefits for admission to higher education institutions. At the same time, the doors of any universities are open to such graduates. "As for the university Olympiad, the winners have the right to be included in the lists of students of this higher educational institution only," the first Deputy minister explained.

So far, it is assumed that university Olympiads will be held only in regional universities. "I am sure, and this discussion has shown that this form needs to be expanded. This year it is proposed to hold university Olympiads in regional universities. This will make it possible to consolidate and retain talented young people in the regions and prepare the appropriate personnel," Education Minister Andrei Ivanets said in turn.

A source:https://www.belta.by/society/view/vuzy-belarusi-budut-prinimat-bez-ekzamenov-pobeditelej-svoih-vnutriuniversitetskih-olimpiad-538024-2022/