The Ministry of Education answered the most popular questions about the entrance campaign.

CT or CE – which is better to choose when passing specialized exams?

Enrollment in universities will be based on the results of two CES (by language and choice), one CT, as well as the average score of the certificate. Fans of certificates, as it was before, will no longer be, it will not be possible to enter "where it is necessary". Resolution No. 245, which is publicly available, contains a detailed list of specialties and relevant profile tests. Before choosing the subjects for delivery, it is necessary to clearly determine which area you plan to connect your life with. This is the key moment! And in what format to take disciplines, there is no difference. For example, to enter an economic specialty, you will have to pass specialized exams in mathematics and a foreign language. You can take a CSE in mathematics, and then a CT in English. As it is possible to reverse this sequence.

Is it possible to enroll in several universities at the same time?

As before, the applicant has the opportunity to enroll not only in a specific specialty, but also in a group of specialties in one university. In addition, it is possible to "re-submit" documents to another university before the end of admission to a particular form of higher education. To do this, there is an effective system of informing applicants about the submitted documents. There are 50 universities in the country, and the submission of documents at a certain moment to one university is absolutely justified and is an important element of career guidance.

Why is it possible to pass only 2 CE and 1 CT instead of 4 CT now?

This approach allows the applicant to make an informed choice, first of all, of the future specialty (group of specialties), and not to collect a list of certificates that are "suitable" for admission according to their scores. This is a serious factor that improves the quality of the selection of applicants to universities.

Who can not pass the TSE?

If we are talking about current graduates, then only the winners of the final stage of the republican Olympiad of schoolchildren in academic subjects will have such a right. They are exempted from the CE and receive a "ticket" to any university in the specialties in which this subject is one of the core ones upon admission. The winners of the third (regional, Minsk city) have the right to enroll in regional institutes by analogy, and in pedagogical and the most demanded specialties by the economy - in all universities. During the course of secondary school, they need to pass only one TSE (if the subject in which they showed a brilliant result is included in the list of subjects to be taken). As for the university Olympiads, which debuted this year, even the holders of diplomas of I, II and III degrees will take 2 CES. Although in March they will officially become first-year students (they will be enrolled in those alma maters where they registered and passed the Olympiad tests).

We recommend that applicants from among the privileged categories still pass the CT to expand the trajectories of admission. The number of budget places is formed based on the needs of the economy, and it should be understood that this is a limited number, and there are many beneficiaries. Not everyone will be able to get into the desired specialties if they pass by the CT.

Will there be enough places for ordinary citizens to enroll after the winners of the Olympiads, lyceum students and other categories take budget places?

For each category of gifted citizens, including winners of university Olympiads, graduates of university lyceums, etc. the maximum number (quotas) of budget places for enrollment are set. This allows you to have a sufficient number of places in almost all specialties and in all universities for admission by competition for three certificates or internal tests.

Where can I get the target direction, what bonuses does it provide, how many years do I have to work?

The most popular question. Targeted training is extremely interesting for graduates: a separate competition, only one internal exam is taken at the university. In addition, the applicant sees his employer at the very beginning and knows where he will go and can get additional benefits. On our website, you can view the program of entrance tests and navigate through the topics. But the questions will be different from CT and CE. For example, physics comes first in the specialty of the physics and mathematics profile. It will have to be handed over. This is not a test. Each university prepares tickets independently, so for the first time they can only be seen at the exam. There are 3 ways to get the target direction. The easiest way is to wait for May 1 (May 25 – for pedagogical specialties), when information will appear on the websites of institutions of higher and secondary special education indicating the name of the specialty, the number of places and the customer with whom applicants can contact. The next option is to attend job fairs of targeted training, where you can personally meet with a future employer. Information about the events will be posted on the Internet pages of district education departments. But no one forbids you to start searching today: to study the republican bank of vacancies or call the personnel department of the enterprise where you would like to work. I would like to note that an organization can have both state and private ownership, it can be located in any corner of the country. It will take 5 years to work.

What will college graduates take?

Upon graduation from college, they pass the final certification - state examination, diploma. Then they can enroll in related specialties at the university in an abbreviated form based on the results of 2 internal exams in subjects studied at the college. If you want to enroll in non-core specialties at a university, they take CT in 3 subjects.

What benefits do disabled people have when entering a university?

A new benefit has been introduced for them - a preferential right with the same number of points. Previously, there was no such benefit. The selection system for studying at universities is primarily focused on the selection of trained applicants, the competitive nature of admission is its most important principle. At the same time, the issues of admission to universities for such a category of persons should be linked to the availability of conditions and the creation of new opportunities for their subsequent employment. Persons with disabilities also have the right to choose whether to take a CT or an internal exam at a university. As practice shows, many of them gain high competitive scores, which allow them to be enrolled in a budget form of higher education.

Will the new admission rules create conditions for untrained applicants to enter universities?

New approaches to admission create the best conditions for admission to trained and motivated applicants - the opportunity to be enrolled at an early stage for those trained applicants who have clearly decided on the university (winning the university Olympiad), with the form of education (participation in a competition for targeted training). These are additional opportunities, despite the fact that the opportunities to participate in the competition on a general basis for budget or paid places remain for everyone.

A source:https://edu.gov.by/news/chto-izmenitsya-vo-vstupitelnoy-kampanii-v-2023-godu/