Structural subdivision



Structure and organization of educational and methodical, scientific and educational work


кафедра 1

The Department of Modern Educational Technologies. Head of the department Grigorieva Olga Nikolaevna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

In accordance with the approved profile, the department provides scientific and methodological support and implements educational programs for advanced training, retraining of managers and specialists in the field of education, internships in the field of natural sciences, interdisciplinary synthesis of natural sciences and humanities, pedagogical technologies and measurements, quality management of education, functioning of quality management systems of educational institutions, human life safety, intellectual property management.

The implementation of the main activities of the department is provided by highly professional teaching staff: Doctors of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professors Gaisenok V.A., Tolkachev E.A., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Shuplyak V.I., candidates of pedagogical Sciences, associate professors Grigorieva O.N., Dron M.I., Petrakov V.N., Artemenok E.N., Tsarik I.A., Yakubel G.I., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Khriptovich V.A., Candidate Social Sciences, Associate Professor Dmitriev E.I., Molofeev V.M., Garnovskaya I.I.

The Department carries out educational, methodological, scientific and research work in close cooperation with specialists of ministries and departments of the Republic of Belarus, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, the Department of Quality Control of Education, the Republican Institute of Knowledge Control.

The main directions of educational activity of the department:

Retraining in the specialty "Pedagogical activity of specialists" with the assignment of the qualification "Teacher in accordance with the qualification of basic education". This qualification allows you to carry out teaching activities in educational institutions of different levels. Duration of training: 12 months. Form of study: full-time-stage.

Graduates receive a state diploma of retraining (at the level of higher education). Tuition is FREE if there is a referral from a state educational institution.

To enroll in retraining, the following documents are required:

1. A referral from a state educational institution addressed to the Rector of the Institute of Higher Education (for training on a budget basis).

2. A copy of the diploma of higher education with an appendix.

3. Retraining agreement (3 copies).

4. Photocopy of the passport (pages 31 and 33).

5. 3 3x4 photos.

The Department of Modern Educational Technologies has been retraining in the specialty 1-08 01 71 "Pedagogical activity of specialists" since 2007 and was the initiator of the opening of this specialty and the developer of educational and program documentation.

Educational standard 1-08 01 71

Standard curriculum 1-08 01 71

It is planned to open a new specialty of retraining of managers and specialists with higher education, 1-09 01 77 "Quality management of education" with the assignment of the qualification "Manager in the field of education". This specialty was introduced into the National Classifier of the Republic of Belarus OKRB 011-2009 by Amendment No. 29 OKRB 011-2009 "Specialties and qualifications" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Education on December 10, 2019 No. 184) on the basis of the educational and program documentation developed by the staff of the department. The purpose of the training: to train a specialist competent in the field of quality management in education, the development and implementation of quality management systems, as well as in the field of evaluation, monitoring and quality control of education, the use of technologies for evaluating the results of educational activities.

Professional development. The main educational programs implemented on a budgetary and extra-budgetary basis:

  • Natural science knowledge in the system of modern education.
  • Innovative technologies for improving the quality of the educational process.
  • Pedagogical technologies in natural science and humanities education.
  • Pedagogical activity of a high school teacher.
  • Digital technologies in the practice of teaching natural sciences.
  • Digital technologies in the practice of teaching natural sciences (distance learning).
  • Theory and methodology of pedagogical measurements (distance learning).
  • Implementation of a practice-oriented approach in the training of competent specialists by means of information technology.
  • Human life safety and health-saving technologies.
  • Safety of the educational environment and subjects of education.
  • Ensuring safe working conditions in laboratories and workshops of educational institutions: legal and methodological aspects.
  • Improvement and audit of the quality management system in educational institutions in accordance with ISO 9000 series standards.
  • Improvement and audit of the quality management system in educational institutions in accordance with STB ISO 9001-2015.
  • Quality management system based on ISO 9001-2015 standard: improvement and audit.
  • Quality assurance control of education: organizational and legal aspects.
  • Intellectual property management in educational institutions.
  • Patent and information search when performing term papers, theses, master's theses.
  • Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Management and Patent information Search.
  • Interactive infographics and multimedia in professional and pedagogical activity.

Internship of managers and specialists of institutions of higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Belarus.

Every year since 2010, the Republican scientific and Methodological seminar "Actual problems of modern natural science" has been held at the department for managers, specialists, teachers of educational institutions in order to popularize and integrate modern natural science knowledge into the educational process, to form a positive image of science in the public consciousness. According to the results of the seminar, three collections of materials "Fundamental Science and Educational Practice" were published with the financial support of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Basic Research.

The main scientific directions of the conference:
Natural science as a set of fundamental knowledge about nature: problems and prospects.
Methodological support for the teaching of natural sciences.
Practical orientation of the modern educational process.
According to the results of the scientific and methodological conference, it is planned to publish a collection of materials of the conference "Fundamental Science and educational practice".

The main directions of the research work of the department:
*methodological justification of the development of natural science education;
* development of the content of the natural science component of educational programs for advanced training and retraining of teachers;
* functioning of quality management systems in educational institutions;
* methodological support of pedagogical measurements,
* development of scientific, methodological and resource didactic support for quality management of education.

Dear colleagues! The Department of Modern Educational Technologies invites you to retraining, advanced training, internship and is always glad to cooperate with educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus and other countries.


15 Moskovskaya str., k. 522, Minsk, Belarus, 220007
Republican Institute of Higher Education
The Department of Modern Educational Technologies tel./fax: (017) 228-13-84
Tel.: (017) 222-83-03 (Head of the department, K. 523)