Russian as a foreign language

Description of modules of the joint educational program of advanced training for the teaching staff "Pedagogy of higher education"

Teaching activities in English

Opportunities of PR and social advertising to support youth initiatives in social networks, mass media, blogosphere

Foreign language (basic level)

Foreign language (advanced level)

Interactive technologies for working with young people

Youth in an entrepreneurial environment

Certification testing in Russian as a foreign language

Fundamentals of interactive and heuristic psychology and pedagogy

Managing the personal growth of a manager

Project management in the IHE

Effective technologies of personnel management in educational institutions

Pedagogical activity of specialists

Safety of the educational environment and subjects of education

Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Management and Patent information Search

Digital technologies in the practice of teaching natural sciences

Implementation of a practice-oriented approach in the training of competent specialists by means of information technology

University 3.0: design, evaluation and diagnostics of learning outcomes

Digital technologies in the practice of teaching natural sciences

Intelligent technologies

Information and educational environment of controlled independent work of students

Lecture in a modern institution of higher education models of design and implementation of educational material in the educational process

Models, technologies and methods of teaching at the university

Design and implementation of innovative educational technologies in higher education institutions

Psychology of family relations

Implementation of case technology in the system of practice-oriented training of specialists

Implementation of models of independent work of students

Media literacy and information culture of the teacher and student

Modern technologies of university education

Organization of maintenance and repair of systems

Legal basis for ensuring safety in the design and manufacture of equipment for nuclear power facilities

Legal basis for ensuring safety in the construction of facilities for the use of atomic energy